Sunday 11 March 2012

Sex and the City weekend marathon

It is such a cliche that all women are in love with Sex and the City. Yet every girl I know whether they are super girly or tomboyish or just trying really hard to break the sexist stereoptype seems to somehow be touched by some element of SATC.

Kudos to the creators who surely hit a goldmine but what is it that makes women love this show so much?
When I think about it so little of it actually does echoe my own life. I dont identify totally with any of the characters because their personalities are written to be so 2D and specific. They each represent an example of an aspect of every woman, it's like trying to fax a photocopy.
When you watch the old seasons the fashion is just so ridiculously bad, you see horrible things like Alanis Morrisette with dodgy braids kissing Sarah Jessica Parker, all the male characters look either like porn stars or extras that they got of the street. You literally have to look for the girls' reactions to understand whether they are meant to be hot or not.

But still theres something that just entertains me and draws me into this show. Maybe its that the writing is just really that good, maybe the characters do tell women something about themselves but I think more likely is the comforting feeling that you get watching women in their 30's and 40s who are still trying so desperately to figure things out, usually unsuccessfully, which makes you feel just a little bit better about your own life.

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