Tuesday 20 March 2012

Accidental Interventional

This week I had the absolute worst allergy of my entire life. Out of nowhere my skin got tomatoe-red and insanely itchy. I couldnt stop scratching and the itching got so bad I started to cry and whimper "Why is this happening to me?!".

To make matters worse no one believed that I had a proper medical condition because this situation happened to coincide with me having my first whole joint in about three months. So my friends and sister all thought I was on some kind of stoned trip and freaking out.

They decided to stage some kind of an intervention. It started off ok, with my sister sitting on the edge of my bed saying comforting things like, "It's going to be ok, you didnt have that much" and "It's ok to say no" But as the itching got worse I really did start freaking out because no one was helping me!
My dizziness because of my allergy was misinterpreted as me almost passing out. From there things escalated as my friend started shouting," She's going to peel her skin off like a naartjie!!!" as she threw me into a cold shower.I'm sure she was entirely convinced that she was doing God's work.

In the end the shower actually really helped with my burning skin. It was difficult to sleep with three concerned heads talking over me about whether they needed to drive to the hospital or rehab but eventually I dropped off and all was forgotten. Atleast now I know that should I ever have a substance abuse problem, my friends have been drilled and are ready for the worst.

1 comment:

  1. lol! At least you weren't hearing voices 0.0

    P.S. For the record, when this blog becomes famous: FIRST COMMENT
