Friday 3 August 2012

Two things you've just got to do alone.

I'm the kind of person who shares my personal life with the world, which is the main reason why I even have a blog. Apart from that I'm known as the 'overshare' person, with all my friends. So whenever I have the slightist difficulty in life or have even a single crazy thought in my mind it spews forth from my mouth to anyone, family, friends, neighbours, co-workers, cashiers at Pick and Pay...
But I was thinking that there really are two major events in your life that, while you may want support, you cannot have it and really need to go through it alone.
The first one being your learners or drivers test. When I was in university I still hadn't totally ironed out my theory but I had a premonition that it wouldnt be good to go in a big, noisy group to the testing centre to write our learners. I opted to do it in secret, over the holidays so that none of my friends would know either way, much like a secret nose job. However all my other friends decided to make a day of it. Well the inevitable happened, everyone passed except for one and it was super awkward, super weird and no one could celebrate because they all felt so bad for the one that didnt make it. I chose right because as it turned out I failed my learners twice! My embarrassment was no less than my friends because literally five minutes before I got the  failed result of my first learners test my mom, while trying to console me over the phone said 'Don't worry Varu, any idiot can get their learners'

The other thing that one should never ever, under any circumstances do with a group of friends, no matter how scary it can be, is go for an STD or AIDs test. I can think of multiple ways in which this could go so horribly wrong. For that matter you should probably not even tell your friends that you're going for an STD test because then everyone's on the edge of their seat till the end of the week, when you get your results back. And i personally would much rather avoid awkward phonecalls that start with "So....?". On a side note, a friend of mine recently went to get tested for HPV, which she told us all about. So in this case I was the one making the awkward phonecall to find out if everything was alright. She said that the doctor said that if she had HPV he would call her on Thursday, if he didnt call then she didnt have anything. Surely this should not be standard practice! I mean wouldnt you want a stamped and signed certificate of you not having an STD. I dont believe anything until its on paper. I mean for all the anxiety and not to mention physical discomfort that you have to go through to get tested, I think I would want an STD graduation and get a diploma for having a clean bill of health. A phonecall is just not sufficient.

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