Thursday 5 April 2012

31 Million Reasons

When my parents forced me to watch 31 million reasons I was sure I was in for a long, bad quality, wannabe movie. I'm actually pleasantly suprised because the production values are international standard and the acting is pretty good. Jack Devnarain is definitely far too posh and will forever only ever be seen as Rajesh from Isidingo no matter how much muscle mass he gains but he is a good actor and very compelling.
The story is really intense and very entertaining. I love the fact that the Indian accents and idiosyncratic behaviour wasn't toned down for a wider audience. This is possibly one of the few movies I've seen apart from Bollywood and Harold and Kumar that contains token white people.

31 million Reasons is based on a novel that's based on the true story of two cop brothers who rob a securty company for 31 million rand. What follows is the story of how they are eventually apprehended.
I laughed a lot in this movie mostly because of the Indian private jokes but it was also really suspenseful and in some ways sad. I didnt expect to like this movie but now I really recommend it. John Barker is a brilliant director. He's most commonly known for his comedic work, and I thought he would forever only be known for Pure Monate as much of the Pure Monate cast are however he's done a really good job with this film. When he spoke to my film class years agohe mentioned that he was passionate about Durban as a location and now I realise that he's shown off Durban really well in this film.

At this point I'm just really proud of South African film in general. There was a time where it was almost a bit embarrassing to admit that you liked SA film and people couldnt really look over the bad sound and filming quality. But I think now that the quality has vastly improved and people arent scared to tell uniquely South African stories.

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