Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Cryptic Title of this Blog

Might I inaugurate this blog by explaining the cryptic title of it.
When you look at a little, baby animal's, little, baby paws. Picture a little kitten because these are the cutest baby animals ever!
ok so picture the little, baby paw of this cute little baby animal and you'll notice how soft and squishy and absolutley adorable it is. It's a little jelly paw.
But as these cute little animals grow up and go outdoors their paws get harder and more calloused.
They sometimes have scratches and get dirty.
This is what it's about.
We can't have jelly paws forever we get taken down by life, we pick ourselves up.
We experience things, we cry, we laugh, we get angry and it makes our jelly paws harder and harder.

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