Monday 30 July 2012

Coming Soon...but not soon in enough

 There's a number of movies that I'm really excited to see this year. For me the highlight of my year seemed to mainly be fulfilled by Prometheus but I've just realised that there are some really awesome movies coming out later this year.

1. Most importantly is 'Life of Pi'. This novel is my absolute most favourite novel of all time. It was original and beautifully written. So when I heard that they were making a film version I was very sceptical. However after watching the trailer and also knowing that its in the very capable hands of Ang Lee I'm very excited. My one gripe with the trailer is that the trailer does look very fantasy based and it seems like a family movie and while i do think that it still could be considered a family movie  know that if the film stays true to the story the end is going to be devestating. The themes of survival in desperate situation could be too advanced for youger viewers contrary to the look and feel of the trailer and the fact that it was filmed in 3D.

2. The Bourne Legacy is one of the most highly anticipated action movies of the year. Mainly because people want to size up Jeremy Renner in comparison to Matt Damon. I think he's going top be really good bearing in mind that this is a Bourne movie but not part of the Damon Bourne franchise. It also has Edward Norton as the villain, a role he was born to play in my opinion.

3. On the subject of action Im also really keen to see Total Recall. This remake sees Colin Farrell replacing Arnold Schwarzenegger. Im mostly just interested to see why Total Recall needed a remake especially one with Kate Beckinsale in it (can you say redundant?)

4. The Great and Powerful Oz looks visually impressive and I hope it does well at the box office just so that Sam Raimi can give the studios a figurative 'up yours' after the Amazing Spiderman. James Franco will be uber cool, as always, as the wizard and I think its a really cool idea, after all these years to film the actual first Oz novel as opposed to the more famous second installment with Dorothy and the yellow brick road. I also like that Raimi has stuck to the black and white in Kansas style transforming to vibrant colour in Oz that was seen in the first film.

Girl Crazy

I admit it I absolutely love Girls! I understand how that might appear to be salacious but I mean the tv show.
I started watching the show by chance a few weeks ago and now I'm absolutely hooked. It's one of those things I love watching but at the same time am just indecently jealous that I didnt write myself.
Lena Dunham is an awesome role model not only is she an award-nominated director and actress but also creator, writer and executive producer of the show.
The series is set in New York and follows a group of four friends as they deal with life, relationships and becoming adults. If the premise sounds fluffy, you have to bear in mind that this show is unashemedly the anti-Sex and the City. I always wondered in Sex and the City how they seemed to have a thousand million dollars to buy Manolos and dozens of cosmos and salads every day, Girls actually deals with the cold hard reality of being broke and needing to pay rent. Didnt you ever wonder how the girls of Sex and the City could have hundreds of encounters of casual sex yet hardly ever worry about the dangers of STDs and pregnancy scares or on the flip side having to deal with emotionally distant men, the second episode of Girls deals with both HPV and abortion as well as the ongoing trials of Hannah with the undoubtedly worst douche-bag of all time, Adam.

Anyway I'm just absolutely loving the sharp writing and edgy subject matter in Girls and I really think its the best series out there right now.