Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Avengers

I've been waiting for The Avengers movie to come out since I watched the first Iron Man. Obviously I can't claim to be as hyped up as those who were waiting since their first comic book or since birth but that's a pretty long time to wait.
Maybe I ruined things for myself by watching the trailer 10 times or dreaming up my perfect scenario. As the video store guy told me "With films like these its best not to have expectations" But then again he was tearing up watching the credits of Thor while I was speaking to him.

It wasnt totally bad, there were really good moments, funny cracks, lots of action. However the explosions came to a point of being gratuitous, the special effects tended to bombard me and in some parts looked like they were from a video game. There were definitely some good private jokes and intertextuality thrown in there but I fear much of the movie was referencing The Big Bang Theory rather than any Marvel concoction. For sure, Loki's personality was modelled on a particularly irate and British Sheldon Cooper and as a bad guy he just really sucked.

Joss Whedon is the leader of the nerd herd at the moment and many will forever and always sing his praises but putting a film like The Avengers, with so much potential, in his hands is surely a travesty.

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