Sunday 13 January 2013

Being an Adult- Why it sucks

Who decided the age which one is supposed to be an adut by?
I mean isnt it totally arbritrary?
There was a time that 21st keys  were being handed over to virginal young whippersnappers still living at home. Then it changed to 18 and now it seems as though 14 year olds are buying property and looking at life insurance policies.
According the laws of society especially the Indian laws of Indian society I should be married with two children by now and be buying my parents cars as birthday presents.
Where have I gone off track?

Here's a list of 5 reasons why being an adult sucks...

1.) You can't ask mom and dad for money anymore:
This seems obvious but first lets explore how much of a big deal this is. previously eventhough you may have been earning your own spending money, you probably always spent until you only had 50 cents left in your account and then came along daddy to bail you out when you then desperately needed money for text books. No more! Now even if you have 50 cents you'll just have to deal with it and starve! yes starve! never have I identified more with the term starving artist than now when i am literally starving to death.
In the world of chartered accountants and actuarial scientists this may not be such a big problem because you're one of those people, buying your parents holiday homes with your first salary. In the world of semi-employed would-be journalists this is a major dilemma!

2.) This is a combined sucky reason with why it sucks to no longer be a student:
you can't get discount rates at the zoo. Not only at the zoo, pubs, restuarants, student flights. All things you can't claim anymore because you're a goddamn filthy adult.

3) break-ups are treated as a family crisis instead of a personal issue because you're an adult now and everyone is scared you may never get married. in fact you're treated as an untouchable and every week after your break-up you get calls from not only your mother but grandmother and aunties to check if you've found someone new yet because the scent of the fallen woman is upon you and god forbid you might be trying to support yourself without a husband, you didnt study Bcom afterall.

4.) The point at which you're at your regular place and suddenly realise that the age range has dropped by about 5-8 years. And when you strike up a conversation with the group next to you and they ask how old are you "25" is met with large, awestruck eyes and murmering "Woah...."

5.) Girls Season 1, episode 2- when you start wishing you had AIDs so people would get off your case about finding a job, paying rent and taking an html course.